Where did this story start?
Select the part of the world from which this "First Gen" originated
Stories of why African peoples came to the Americas include:
-- Forced immigration through Abduction and Deportment.
-- Escape from persecution in their African homelands, Greater economic and social opportunities in the West
Click here if your First Gen came from Africa -
South and SouthEast Asia
Stories of why South/SouthEast Asian peoples came to the Americas include:
-- Post 1965 - Economic Hardships and Opportunities;
Click here if your First Gen came from South or SouthEast Asia -
South America (Contact us for a prelease version)
Stories of why South American and Caribbean peoples came to the Americas include:
-- Northern Dispersion & Absorbtion
-- Economic Hardships and Opportunities
-- Political Oppression
Click here if your First Gen came from South America or the Caribbean -
Pacific Rim
Stories of why Pacific Rim peoples came to the Americas include:
-- Economic Hardships and Persistance
-- Post 1949: Political Freedoms and Convictions
-- Post 1975: Economic Opportunity
Click here if your First Gen came from the Pacific Rim -
Pacific Rim
Stories of why Pacific Rim peoples came to the Americas include:
-- Economic Hardships and Persistance
-- Post 1949: Political Freedoms and Convictions
-- Post 1975: Economic Opportunity
Click here if your First Gen came from the Pacific Rim -
First Nations
Stories of why Berengia and Land Bridge peoples came to the Americas include:
15thC BCE:
-- Population Radiation
-- Displacement and Persistance
Click here if your First Gen came as First Nation peoples -
First Nations
Stories of why Berengia and Land Bridge peoples came to the Americas include:
15thC BCE:
-- Population Radiation
-- Displacement and Persistance
Click here if your First Gen came as First Nation peoples -
Europe and the Mediterranean
Stories of why European/Mediterranean peoples came to the Americas include:
-- Conquest: wealth, power, and resources
-- Religious freedom, Opportunity for a new life, and escaping conflict
-- Economic opportunity, escaping persecution;
Click here if your First Gen came from Europe or the Mediterrean